Our Lady of Czestochowa
64 Center Ave. North Tonawanda NY, 14120
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Day: 8:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.

Our History
Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish was established on May 1, 1901. Father Peter Lotocha was named Pastor and the first Mass was celebrated on May 3, 1903.
The first church building was formerly a Presbyterian Church located on the site of the Grotto. This building was used as the church until the opening of the new school building on October 13, 1920. With the completion of the school, the former church building was used as the parish hall and the school basement (now our parish hall) was used for the church for 8 years. The current church building was opened on December 9, 1928. The former church building was raffled off in 1927 to help raise funds for the construction.
Since its construction, the church has had many enhancements.
Some of these include:
In 1947, stained glass, designed by Joseph Mazur, was added to the nave of the church.
The mural of The Coronation of the Blessed Mother was added in the early 1950’s in time for the 50th anniversary of the parish in 1953.
In 1966 the Grotto garden was added and dedicated to Our Lady of Czestochowa.
A new altar, a replica of the original one on the back altar, was dedicated in 1982.
The Shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa was added in 1983.
Other Parish Milestones
First school/convent opened September 1, 1903-the Sisters of Saint Joseph staffed the school until 1906
Felician Sisters began teaching in the fall of 1906
First rectory was built in 1913
School building (site of the current church) razed by fire March 9, 1920
Present school built and opened October 13, 1920
Approximately 1940-3rd floor of school renovated into a convent for the Felician Sisters who taught in the school
A new convent (now our Ministry Center) was completed December 12. 1953
Second rectory built approximately 1960
In 2008 OLC parish merged with St. Joseph Parish
In 2023 OLC becomes a part of the Roman Catholic Community of the Tonawandas

The Pastors of OLC
Pastor Rev. Peter Letocha – May 1903-July 1911
Pastor Rev. Stanley C. Bubacz – July 1911-August 1920
Pastor Rev. Bernard A. Bendkowski – Sept. 1920-Oct. 1931
Pastor Rev. Michael R. Walek – Oct. 1931-March 1952
Pastor Rev. Vincent P. Dudek – March 1952-May 1957
Pastor Rev. Vincent Cyman – May 1957-May 1966
Pastor Rev. Chester Kotkiewicz – May 1967-Nov. 1978
Pastor Rev. Edward Sobierajski – Feb. 1979-Jan. 1986
Pastor Rev. Louis S. Dolinic – Feb. 1986-May 1995
Pastor Rev. Dennis Fronckowiak – Aug. 1995-June 2008
Pastor Rev. Louis S. Dolinic – June 2008-Oct. 2010
Pastor Rev. Gary J. Szczepankiewicz – Oct. 2010-June 2023
Pastor Rev. Michael LaMarca - June 2023- Present
The Grotto
Next to our church the Grotto serves as a meditation and prayer garden. In 1992, a shrine to St. Francis was added. The fourteen stations of the cross, which encircle the shrine, were erected in 1996. Each station is enclosed in a wooden structure reminiscent of country wayside shrines.

The History of the OLC Icon
The icon of the Madonna and Child was said to have been painted on wood by St. Luke after witnessing the Assumption of Mary.
The icon, also known as the Black Madonna, remained in the Holy Land until the year 326 when it was discovered by St. Helen, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, and brought to Constantinople.
It remained there until 1382, when it was given in gratitude for defending the Holy Roman Empire to the Prince of Poland by the Emperor.
The icon was entrusted to the safe keeping of the Pauline Monks at the Monastery of Jasna Gora in Czestochowa, Poland where it remains today. Its current location has brought the icon to also be known as Our Lady of Czestochowa.