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RCCT Faith Formation

Our family of parishes offers vibrant and faith filled programs and
extra activities that use a variety of teaching methods to help families
encounter Christ in our world and lead them into discipleship.
Recognizing that parents are the primary catechists of their children
and honoring the family as the domestic church we strive to offer
programs which encourage families and children to learn about their
faith and practice what we hear in the gospel. We help children and
young adults prepare for sacraments through family and individual



Marie Sajsa

Director of Family Faith Formation

Phone: 716-694-0540   Email:

School Year Faith Formation

During the school year we offer Faith Formation at our St. Jude, and Our Lady of Czestochowa campuses.  

Our Staff

Ashley Herdlein- Elementary Coordinator/ Office Manager


Jennifer Burton- Family Faith Formation and Faith formation in the HomeCoordinator Grades K to 9


Lynda Mostowy- Middle School /High School/Confirmation Coordinator


Diane [Deedy] Allinson- Middle School /High School Assistant


Sr. Ryszarda Wittbrodt SSCJ- Coordinator for OLC site and First Reconciliation and First Communion Co- Coordinator Catholic School Liaison


Marie Sajsa- Lead DRE for Family Co-coordinator First Communion and First Reconciliation and Catholic School Liaison


Program Options

Monthly Faith Formation

At St. Jude's after the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass, once a month with additional assignments to be completed as home work for the month. Available to K-9. A light lunch will be served at 12:00 PM

​​Week Nights St. Judes:


-Monday Night , three weeks a month will be class instruction for grades K-8 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM​
-Tuesday Nights, three weeks a month will be class instruction for Grades K-8 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM​
-Wednesday Nights,three weeks of the month there will be class instruction for Grades 6-10 from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM.​
-Thursday Nights, three weeks of the month there will be class instruction for Grades 6-10 from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM.​

Sunday Mornings at OLC


Will be held after the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass for K-10 three Sundays a month.

Faith Formation in the Home

For those who are unable to make to make it to the in person classes, there is an option to do Faith formation in the home, and they will have to follow the material and respond in a timely manner.


Program Fees

$80.00 per family [is paid either in check or bank draft and can be paid in installments].

Students in Grade 2 preparing for First Reconciliation additional $20.00 for books and other expenses.

Students in Grade 3 preparing for First Communion additional $30.00 per child for books and other expenses.

Confirmation preparation additional 40.00 to cover retreat and other expense.

***Since fees can be paid throughout the year; please do not withhold your child’s registration; we will work with you.***

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